This chapter of 2025 seems to be titled, “I didn’t vote for this.”
Trump’s first presidency was the beta test to see what level of corruption Americans were willing to ignore. Everyone saw his first presidency, right?
Bring your daughter to work day turned into his no security clearance son in law doing "official US business” - you know, selling secrets for $2 billion while Ivanka was in China getting patents for voting machines and illegally getting paid for Goya ads. The Trump family was accepting money left and right illegally for 4 years. So how now, 4 years later, does no one remember the 4 years before?
What voters are actually mean when they say they didn’t vote for this is, “I didn’t vote for this to happen to me, I voted for this to happen to other people.”
Republicans aren’t mad about the wildcards Trump has been throwing out like changing the name of Gulf of Mexico or halting production of pennies, no Republicans are actually upset about the fact that Trump is doing exactly everything he said he would do - cutting spending, deporting people, arresting people, generating chaos, turning White House into reality show. These are things that were promised.
He’s not doing the things that he mentioned once in a tweet. Nope, he’s doing the things that he said he’d do over and over and over again. He’s doing the things he said he’d do, the things he tweeted he would do, and some of the stuff he’s doing, he even did last time he was in office.
If anyone says to you, “I didn’t vote for this.” Then you know, without a shadow of a doubt that they 100% voted for this.
So let’s unpack it.
Trump is one of the most talked about person on the planet. We know more about Trump than anyone else in US politics. So the notion that someone could have voted for him and be totally blindsided by everything he is doing is completely unbelievable. I literally do not believe that.
Republicans, his former generals, former staffers, his own niece, top Republicans were speaking out against him before the election.
Here are some responses to the GOP talking point, “I didn’t vote for this.” Feel free to use them.
“I didn’t vote for this.”
You voted for this, but you thought you were exempt from it.
You voted for other people to get burned, you just didn’t realize you’d be caught in the flames.
You bought a ticket to the circus, don’t be surprised by the clowns.
You voted for this, but you voted for this to go to someone else.
If you didn’t vote for Kamala, you voted for this.
You voted for this to happen to someone else.
You voted for someone to lose their homes, their healthcare, their jobs, their livelihoods, you just didn’t realize that someone was going to be you.
You voted for this, and all of this, and more of this.
“But I didn’t vote for Elon.”
Elon is this season’s Jared. Trump voters didn’t bat an eye when Jared Kushner, a guy with no experience and no charisma who never passed a security clearance because he was too shady, started working in the White House as the president’s right hand man. No questions asked by Republicans!
This time it was Elon Musk was on the campaign. Republicans were thrilled and thought it added some fresh energy to the Trump campaign. They were excited because they thought Elon on stage was an endorsement of the Trump campaign. “World’s richest man” endorsed Trump! Spoiler alert: Elon may be the world’s brokest man.
Now Trump voters are bothered by Elon in the government, what did they think would happen? Elon wasn’t just a Trump cheerleader, he was the greatest Trump cheerleader of all time! He was the captain of the team. Elon was on stage with Trump, jumping up and down, handing out (fake)checks for Trump, even puppy killer Kristi Noem didn’t look that confident about her Trump endorsement. She just swayed back and forth to YMCA with a fake smile, side-eying the crowd like, “are we still doing this?” Even Jared Kushner didn’t jump up and down like this. We hadn’t seen this much energy since Kimberly Guilfoyle’s coke fueled “The best is yet to come” speech.
Elon’s place on the Trump campaign before the election was so prominent that there was nothing else to assume but that he would indeed play a prominent role in the administration, as he played a monumental role in the Trump campaign.
If anyone thought Tim Scott would be in the Trump administration but Elon Musk wouldn’t, then they haven’t been paying attention to what Trump has been doing and saying for the past 80 years.
The GOP is teeing up the narrative to blame every illegal thing they do on Elon. Elon is their scapegoat. Even the billionaires of his broligarch aren’t exempt. Trump will stab them in the back and discard them, give it time.
Trump gave Elon a role in government and isn’t putting any restraint on him. How can Republicans possibly be mad at all the power Elon has, but not be mad at the person that gave it to him?
“I didn’t vote for Gaza to be for sale.”
Trump has been publicly insulting Muslims for at least 2 decades. Before becoming president last time he suggested all US mosques be closed. Then he had a Muslim ban in effect that only ended because Democrats pushed back so hard. Dismantling Gaza finally sticks it to all the Muslims he banned last time in office, so acting surprised by this just makes a person look severely limited in mental capabilities.
April 2011 - Trump said the Koran “teaches some very negative vibe” and there is “absolutely” a Muslim problem.
November 2015 - Trump calls for a Muslim registry and surveillance of American Muslims and mosques and says there is “absolutely no choice” but to shut down US mosques.
December 2015 - Trump announces “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” When he announced it, some Muslims were already on flights headed to the US. Thousands of Muslims ended up stranded at US airports not being allowed to leave.
March 2016 - Trump says “Islam hates us” because of “unbelievable hatred.”
April 2018 - After Supreme Court oral arguments in Muslim Ban case, Trump has no regrets for his actions and says there’s “nothing to apologize for.”
So, you tell me, does this sound like the words and actions of someone that would be level headed, diplomatic or reasonable when it comes to the future of 2 million Palestinians?
“I didn’t vote for USAID to be taken away.”
Yes, you did. GOP fired their own house leader over this. A band of 7 Republicans fired the Republican House Leader to stop aid from going to Ukraine. They didn’t even have another person lined up to take his place. Congress, the house controls the purse, the wallet. That was the GOP plan, to keep the house shut down so no funds could leave. Then the Israel-Hamas war started and they scrambled to get their act together because Israel is a US ally. If we hadn’t sent money to Israel, we would have been in breach of multiple bilateral defense agreements with Israel.
American citizens, employees who have devoted their lives to civil service, doctors who want to serve humanity, good people are now currently stranded all over the globe because you absolutely voted for this.
“I didn’t vote for Eric Adams to be excused for bribery and corruption.”
You definitely did. Eric Adams took bribe money from the Turkish government. That’s what the Grand Jury case was about. Trump let the Turkish president’s motorcade stop and bodyguards beat up US citizens on the streets of DC in broad daylight with no questions asked. 2018, Trump was president. No questions were asked when US based journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in Turkey. Trump has routinely praised and embraced authoritarian regimes all over the world. Yes, you absolutely voted for this.
You know what else you voted for? Trump just signed and Executive Order halting the enforcement of the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. You voted for that.
You voted for the dismantling of the “big government” and this is what it looks like.
“I didn’t vote for America taking over Greenland!”
But you’re ok with it right? Trump had brazen plans last time as president. Did anyone really think this time he would walk in the White House 4 years later and act like a normal human? Nope. No one did.
Russia needs access to the waters of Greenland and Canada for shipping through the Northwest passage. Right now Panama has sanctions on Russia so they can’t use the Panama Canal. Trump has openly praised Russia. Repeatedly. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind, Democrat or Republican, that Trump has a fond affinity for Russia. Best case scenario, he just really loves Russia. Worst case scenario, he is willing to do whatever Putin wants. But no one, not for a minute, thought our international policy and relations wouldn’t be favorable to Russia. No one.
In 2016, the Republican talking point was “but he’ll surround himself with good people” which both acknowledges that he’s a terrible person and that he needs to be reigned in. Before the vote, that Trump voters voted for, we all knew that he could be walking into the White House without any guardrails. We know this because the people who were the guardrails last time were warning us.
Goldfish seem super smart in comparison to all the Americans falsely claiming “I didn’t vote for this.” I’d have more respect for Americans who admitted the truth which is, “I regret voting for this.”